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Sunday, September 26, 2010


A response to Question 1 on page 47 of Arcaro

The world that we live in today is drastically different then world that my parents grew up in. One of the main differences is how the world has reacted to the introduction of technology (computers, television, cell phones, etc).
Today there is no way that you can even go through one day without having some interaction with technology. It is how you do your work, how people communicate, how you keep you money and how other people sell you things. Some of the major side effects that technology has had on our society are; it has made people lazy, socially introverted, and totally dependant.
The convenience of communicating with almost anyone at anytime is very different  now as opposed to my parents generation. But all of the convenience has come at a price, people only know how to talk to people over the phone, there is almost no random daily interaction with people anymore. The computer has also had a large effect on personal interaction, in most occasions you don't even have to speak to allow your voice to be heard, most people let their fingers talk for them through text messages, emails, facebook, etc. Soon no one will ever have to use their voice.
The dependency on technology is a growing problem as well, my mother can remember phone numbers of people that don't exist, addresses of businesses from 25 years ago and birthdays of nearly every friend she has. She does this because this was how she grew up remembering things. If I don't have my phone I can not remember phone numbers of places that I call on a weekly basis.  I have seen people forget their phone or lose their phone and the look very lost, and seem to be isolated form everyone. In many ways this disappoints me, i like the old school way of writing letters and talking to people face to face but, I have learned I need to accept it and adapt my ways because there is no going back, technology is just advancing as the months go by.

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