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Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010


A response to Question 1 on page 47 of Arcaro

The world that we live in today is drastically different then world that my parents grew up in. One of the main differences is how the world has reacted to the introduction of technology (computers, television, cell phones, etc).
Today there is no way that you can even go through one day without having some interaction with technology. It is how you do your work, how people communicate, how you keep you money and how other people sell you things. Some of the major side effects that technology has had on our society are; it has made people lazy, socially introverted, and totally dependant.
The convenience of communicating with almost anyone at anytime is very different  now as opposed to my parents generation. But all of the convenience has come at a price, people only know how to talk to people over the phone, there is almost no random daily interaction with people anymore. The computer has also had a large effect on personal interaction, in most occasions you don't even have to speak to allow your voice to be heard, most people let their fingers talk for them through text messages, emails, facebook, etc. Soon no one will ever have to use their voice.
The dependency on technology is a growing problem as well, my mother can remember phone numbers of people that don't exist, addresses of businesses from 25 years ago and birthdays of nearly every friend she has. She does this because this was how she grew up remembering things. If I don't have my phone I can not remember phone numbers of places that I call on a weekly basis.  I have seen people forget their phone or lose their phone and the look very lost, and seem to be isolated form everyone. In many ways this disappoints me, i like the old school way of writing letters and talking to people face to face but, I have learned I need to accept it and adapt my ways because there is no going back, technology is just advancing as the months go by.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


A response to Question 2 on page 73 of Arcaro

The immigration of my family to this country happened recently. My mother came here with my grandmother and grandfather when she was 12 years old. They immigrated here from Macedonia (the former Yugoslavia). My mother was born in 1945 which was right after the communist take over of Yugoslavia, she lived there for 12 years before coming to the United States.
The main reason for the relocation was for my grandmother to provide more opportunities for my mother, and her three other children which followed. In Yugoslavia there were limited opportunities for people; especially for women.  Coming to America there were many more opportunities to name a few: education, employment, and political freedom. Coming to Chicago in the 50's meant she could have an education and a career instead of being locked into a housewife. 
Life in America was difficult for my mother and grandmother to grasp because they were so set in the old world way of thinking.  My mom chose to get an education which was not acceptable to her father so she would have to study and do her homework when he was asleep by candle light.  And when she went to school during the day she had to tell her father she was working. 
Still to this day my mom and grandmother carry some characteristics from the "old country" such as putting the boys/men first, not wasting food.  My mom says that she is happy she came to America but at times when she goes back to visit relatives, I can tell that she misses the simplicity of life in Europe. 

Friday, September 24, 2010


What is your definition of globalization now, and how is that understanding relevant to your life after college?

I feel that the term Globalization in the connection of different people and societies all over the world through the use communication. The world is becoming smaller in this day and age; whether it is- the US and China sharing economic strategy, the out-souring of jobs to other countries to save cost, or people watching American television in other countries. All of these instances are examples of globalization, prior to the Internet and worldwide media most people were only exposed to the culture that they immediately grew up around. Now people are exposed to world at the click of a button, therefore, it is very easy to see how one culture is similar or different from another. Globalization is leading the way to the creation of a global culture.  A global culture means that anyone can have an influence on you regardless what their geographic location is nor yours.  As well global culture is pushing towards generations of people who have very similar thoughts and beliefs despite growing up in different countries.

I feel that this is relevant to me after college because now there may be more opportunities to work and live in other places. The US economy is influencing countries all over the world I could find myself working in Europe or Asia. Twenty years ago the idea of finding opportunities in other countries was very limited, now it is becoming more common.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


A reply to Question 5 on page 25 of Arcaro

I feel that many people who have the resources (money) to help others do it in a giving matter over a partnering matter.  It is always good to give money to a cause but, I feel that in oder to truly embrace that matter you need to be hands on.  The people that I was exposed to growing up would always stress the importance of giving,  but I never saw them helping others in a partnering way, all they would do is write a  few checks throughout they year to various causes cause.  I can understand how that made them feel like they contributed but on the other hand I feel that they always had alterior motive (using it as a tax exemption and or status symbol).
By looking at the chart it is easy to see that giving is an act that can be mindless as long as a person has resources and the desire (whatever it may be) to help the specific cause.  Partnering is similar because you are helping a cause but you are doing so in a much more time consuming and committed way.  It takes more out of someone to partner with a cause as opposed to just giving.  But, both giving and partnering are essential parts in maintaining a healthy community/society. 
Growing up my parents always brought my brother and I to serve at soup kitchens for Christmas and Thanksgiving and that helped associate us with helping the community and giving up some of our time for others at an early age. 
In order to help out a cause there needs to be a balance between giving and partnering.   Personally when I give I want to know where my money is going and who it is helping, a generic piece of paper doesn't cut it for me!