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Friday, September 24, 2010


What is your definition of globalization now, and how is that understanding relevant to your life after college?

I feel that the term Globalization in the connection of different people and societies all over the world through the use communication. The world is becoming smaller in this day and age; whether it is- the US and China sharing economic strategy, the out-souring of jobs to other countries to save cost, or people watching American television in other countries. All of these instances are examples of globalization, prior to the Internet and worldwide media most people were only exposed to the culture that they immediately grew up around. Now people are exposed to world at the click of a button, therefore, it is very easy to see how one culture is similar or different from another. Globalization is leading the way to the creation of a global culture.  A global culture means that anyone can have an influence on you regardless what their geographic location is nor yours.  As well global culture is pushing towards generations of people who have very similar thoughts and beliefs despite growing up in different countries.

I feel that this is relevant to me after college because now there may be more opportunities to work and live in other places. The US economy is influencing countries all over the world I could find myself working in Europe or Asia. Twenty years ago the idea of finding opportunities in other countries was very limited, now it is becoming more common.

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