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Thursday, September 23, 2010


A reply to Question 5 on page 25 of Arcaro

I feel that many people who have the resources (money) to help others do it in a giving matter over a partnering matter.  It is always good to give money to a cause but, I feel that in oder to truly embrace that matter you need to be hands on.  The people that I was exposed to growing up would always stress the importance of giving,  but I never saw them helping others in a partnering way, all they would do is write a  few checks throughout they year to various causes cause.  I can understand how that made them feel like they contributed but on the other hand I feel that they always had alterior motive (using it as a tax exemption and or status symbol).
By looking at the chart it is easy to see that giving is an act that can be mindless as long as a person has resources and the desire (whatever it may be) to help the specific cause.  Partnering is similar because you are helping a cause but you are doing so in a much more time consuming and committed way.  It takes more out of someone to partner with a cause as opposed to just giving.  But, both giving and partnering are essential parts in maintaining a healthy community/society. 
Growing up my parents always brought my brother and I to serve at soup kitchens for Christmas and Thanksgiving and that helped associate us with helping the community and giving up some of our time for others at an early age. 
In order to help out a cause there needs to be a balance between giving and partnering.   Personally when I give I want to know where my money is going and who it is helping, a generic piece of paper doesn't cut it for me!      

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