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Monday, November 1, 2010

Response to "Commanding Heights" video

I feel the that the passing of NAFTA was both a blessing and curse to our economy.  It was a
blessing to the economy as a whole.  As Clinton stated, it forced us to push the American
economy out of the industrial age and into the technological age.  With less emphasis on
mass production of material goods and more of a focus on technology advancement, the American
economy flourished during Clinton's terms in the White House. 
But it was a curse to many of the blue collar workers with no formal training in one field. 
Again during the debates Bill Clinton spoke about the positives of NAFTA, just as long as
there was a plan to help out those who would end up losing out due to the transferring of
many businesses to Mexico.  Helping out the blue collar workers with advanced training in
more up to date fields, and better on the job training.  Sadly these plans were never
enacted and many of the blue collar workers were left without jobs and without further
training that would help them enter other fields of work. 
There are so many people who are out of work, and there are jobs available for them, the only problem is that they lack the essential training to be able to function in a white collar workplace. 

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